Mental Health Resources
Cornell University offers a range of mental health resources.
Bystander Initiatives (expansion of Notice and Respond)
Bystander intervention initiatives are gaining recognition in college health as an important prevention strategy. The University offers multiple bystander intervention programs and policies designed to encourage intervention.
CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services)
Our Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) staff provide confidential, professional support for over 20% of Cornell's students each year. Services offered include crisis counseling and intervention, individual counseling, group counseling, psychiatry, drop-in consultations, help assistance others, internal referrals, and external referrals.
CMM (Cornell Minds Matter)
Cornell Minds Matter promotes the overall mental and emotional health of all Cornell students, works to reduce the stigma of mental illness., and holds events open to the entire Cornell community that foster a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
Cornell Health
Cornell Health's mission is to foster lifelong learning and well-being through innovative services and strategies that promote the physical, emotional, and social health of individuals and our diverse campus community.
EARS (Empathy, Assistance & Referral Service)
EARS offers nonjudgmental, short-term counseling by skilled volunteers who have undergone extensive training and have passed through a rigorous selection process. The program is student-run, professionally supervised, and open to all members of the Cornell community. Counseling is available by phone (607) 255-3277 or walk-in (213 Willard Straight Hall). It is free, confidential, and no appointment is necessary.
FSAP (Faculty, Staff Assistance Program)
FSAP offers free and confidential guidance and support to benefits-eligible employees and their partners to address issues that may be affecting their personal lives and/or job satisfaction or performance. This resource is part of Cornell's broad commitment to foster and support the mental health and well-being of the campus community.
Group Counseling through Cornell Health
Group counseling is one of the most effective tools for addressing issues common among college students. Our support groups and group therapy offer a safe environment to discuss problems with others who are dealing with similar concerns. Most students have reported the group experience to be helpful far beyond their expectations.
Let's Talk
"Let's Talk" is a drop-in service that offers informal, confidential consultation with a Cornell Health counselor. Counselors hold walk-in hours at carious on-campus locations Monday through Friday during the academic year.
Student Life Health & Well-Being
Health and safety are the building blocks of personal and academic success. Cornell has offices, services and organizations in every corner of the campus that offer assistance, support, intervention, reporting and advocacy.
Suicide Prevention and Crisis Center
(607) 272-1616 SPCS is a community agency that offers a free, confidential, 24-hour telephone hot-line service. The mission of Suicide Prevention & Crisis Service is to promote constructive responses to crisis and trauma, and to prevent violence to self and others through direct support and community education.