If you don't find an answer you're looking for, we're here to help. Contact our programs coordinator and we'll get back to you shortly.
- I am a freshman in the College of Engineering considering affiliating with Engineering Physics(EP). However, I do not have an EP advisor. Which physics course should I enroll in?
If you have AP credits for PHYS 1112, we recommend that you enroll in Physics 1116. We strongly discourage students from using AP credit to substitute for Physics 2213, and instead suggest enrolling in Physics 2217. Students should pay close attention to the math pre-requisites and co-requisites for physics courses.
- Is honors physics required?
Honors physics is encouraged, but not required for EP.
- Which computer courses should I take?
We recommend CS1112 (4 credit Matlab) and CS1130 (1 credit Java).
- Are there any courses that are required before I can affiliate?
Beyond the B- or better grade requirement in all core math or physics courses, affiliation with EP has no additional requirements. We do suggest enrolling in AEP 3630 during the second semester of your sophomore year.
- Do project team credits count as a major approved elective?
Up to 3 research or team projects can count as faculty approved electives, and they must be taken in the last 4 undergrad semesters. Any beyond that can count as (advisor-) approved electives.
- Can I substitute Phys 3327 for AEP 3550?